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Executive leadership team
To send an email to the leadership team, teachers, and/or staff, please click on their name below.
Dr. Naomi Johnson-Booker, Executive Director
Marcia Tanner, School Operations Assistant
Southwest Board-contact number: 215-471-7929
Teacher & Staff
Al DiSalvatore, Global Studies Teacher (7th/8th)
Alisha Session, 7th Grade Instructional Assistant
Alyssa McIntyre, Reading Interventionist (K-4th)
Amaya Mitchell, Fifth Grade Teacher
Audrey Sinclair, Kindergarten Instructional Assistant
Ayana Hicks, Scholar Support Specialist (K-2nd)
Brittini Piercy, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Britney Wilson-Penny, Second Grade Teacher
Brittny Nettles, Theatre Teacher
Caly Anthony, School and Community Life Liaison
Candace Sabb, Academy Leader (3rd-5th)
Christian O’Neal, Fifth Grade Teacher
Christine Hill, Front Desk Receptionist
Clair Brown-Croome, Instructional Assistant
Courtney Woods, Special Services Teacher, Academy Leader
Crystal McKinney, Second Grade Teacher
Dashay Love, Special Services Liaison
Demetrius Mayo, Legendary Climate Specialist
Dezerae Francis, Rising Stars Climate Specialist
Emanuel Neil, Behavior Interventionist
Emily Rodriguez, Social Worker
Eric Middleton, Recess/Socialization Liaison
Erica Burrell, Kindergarten Teacher
Fatira Porter, Third Grade Teacher
Harold Bias, Academy Leader (6th-8th)
Hakimah Kinard, Fifth Grade Teacher
Imani Brown, Instructional Assistant
Jasmine Patrick, Science Teacher (7th/8th)
Jeaneea Williams, Math Teacher (7th/8th)
Jennifer Wilson, 8th Grade Instructional Assistant
Jodi Jankeloff, Special Services Teacher (3rd/4th)
Kaitlyn Carr, Fourth Grade Teacher
Karen Baylock, First Grade Instructional Assistant
Kelly Odoms, Academy Leader (K-2nd)
Kishana Cox, 4th Grade Instructional Assistant
Kristin Green-Hayes, Reading Interventionist (5th-8th)
Kiona Burpee, Math Interventionist
Krystal Edgefield, Kindergarten Teacher
Kyrstyn Norman, Kindergarten Teacher
LaNeaya Mitchell, Multimedia Teacher
Latif Burnett, Sixth Grade Teacher
Lakeesha Jenkins, Administrative Assistant
Lascelles Boothe, Scholar Support Specialist
Leon Mayo, Collegiate Climate Specialist
Leslye Lloyd, Third Grade Teacher
Marcia Tanner, Enrollment Coordinator
Mariah Berthau, Sixth Grade Teacher
Marissa Franko, ELA Teacher (7th/8th)
Mia Salvi-Dutton, Fourth Grade Teacher
Micco Alcaro, Special Services Teacher (7th/8th)
Michael West, Scholar Support Specialist (3rd-5th)
Michelle Prettyman, Sixth Grade Teacher
Mushir Poole, Operations Manager
Natasha Lamb, Scholar Support Specialist
Niemia Smith, 3rd Grade Instructional Assistant
Nutina Martin, Culture/Climate Director
Pamela Scruggs, Second Grade Teacher
Patrice Jones, First Grade Teacher
Phoebe Stone, School Based Programs & Partnership Coordinator
Robert Randolph, Music Teacher
Sara Igwe, Health & Physical Education Teacher
Sean Bruce, Collegiate Climate Specialist
Shacora Goodson, Intervention Teacher
Shanice Maloney, Instructional Technology Coordinator
Shanique Robinson, Fourth Grade Teacher
Shaquen Harris, Dance Appreciation Teacher
Shonnte Braxton, Special Services Teacher (K-2nd)
Symira Green, K Instructional Assistant
Taylor Mathis, Administrative and Instruction
Tiffany Allen, First Grade Teacher
Tonya Lee-Phillips, Cafeteria Aide
Tracy Ridout, General Education Teacher
Vernetta Scruggs, First Grade Teacher